We're excited to announce that our Film Exhibition Fund 2025 is now open and available for Film Hub Members to apply.
We want to create opportunities for audiences across the Midlands to engage with the widest range of film, in as many places as possible.
We would love to see fresh new ideas, in areas with little to no film exhibition activity and encourage new members to apply.
The Film Exhibition Fund and Pitch Pots aim to champion the independent film exhibition sector and support the development of cultural organisations across the Midlands. If you have any questions about the fund, the priorities, the submission process or would like to discuss your proposal, please get in touch. If you have not accessed funding from Film Hub Midlands in the past, we strongly recommend contacting us (hello@filmhubmidlands.org) in advance of submitting your proposal.
As part of Film Audience Network, Film Hub Midlands has been awarded funding from the BFI National Lottery. This funding will be shared with exhibitors to reach a broad range of audiences with opportunities to experience independent UK and international film titles and to deliver against the set priorities within the BFI's Screen Culture 2033 strategy.
Not yet a Film Hub Member? Click here to find out how to join the Hub and eligibility criteria.
Film Exhibition Fund
Key information at a glance:
Total amount available: £90,000 (for the financial year including Round 1 & 2)
Financial support: £2,000 to £10,000
Open for proposals: Tuesday 28 January 2025
Deadline for proposals: Friday 21 February 2025
Financial support confirmed from: March 2025
Activity window: From April 2025 - Early March 2026
- The Film Hub team is available for one-to-one general support and advice with your proposal form please get in touch at hello@filmhubmidlands.org to book a meeting with a member of the team.
How To Apply
Take a look through the guidelines and budget templates provided on our Film Exhibition Fund page before filling out the individual funding forms. You can find previous examples of film exhibition we have funded for inspiration, here.
How much can I ask for?
Members can request up to £10,000 per proposal.
Please note that we are not able to fund 100% of activity costs. While we do not have a set percentage requirement for match funding, we expect to see box office income and other partnership support - whether in cash, volunteer time or other in-kind contributions - included in the budget.
If your project requires less financial support (up to £2,000), you might consider applying to our Pitch Pot Awards.
Previously supported by our Film Exhibition Fund
We supported Inspirate to expand from one outdoor screening to multiple local community screenings of Hindi Cinema across different neighbourhoods in Leicester allowing them to develop their audiences.
We supported the Pocket Film Festival to expand its festival duration across two weeks, enabling partnership development gained from Film Hub Midlands Spotlight programme.
Pitch Pots
Got an idea for something new? Try a Pitch Pot
Our Pitch Pots are the perfect opportunity to dip your toe into film exhibition, to try something new and take a risk. Whether you are new to film exhibition and want to put on your first screening or an established cinema or community screen who wants to trial a new type of programming, we want to help audiences in the Midlands engage with the widest range of film and broaden screen experiences in as many places as possible.
Key information at a glance:
Financial support: up to £2,000
Open for proposals: 28 January 2025
Deadline for proposals: Rolling until funds are exhausted
Please contact us at hello@filmhubmidlands.org if you have any questions.
How to Apply
You will be asked to submit a proposal form and budget template. Please also read the Pitch Pot Guidelines before applying.
The proposal form will give you the opportunity to describe your activity and how it contributes to Film Hub Midland’s priorities as outlined in this document. If you have any questions about the fund, the priorities, the submission process or would like to discuss your proposal, please get in touch via the below email address. If you have not accessed funding from Film Hub Midlands in the past, we strongly recommend contacting us in advance of submitting your proposal.
Please submit your proposal via the Google form, you can then arrange for a one to one meeting and send us your budget template by contacting hello@filmhubmidlands.org
1-2-1 Support
Our online 1-2-1 sessions are a chance to discuss with the team your ideas or ask any questions about the guidelines and the proposal form.
Please get in touch with the team at hello@filmhubmidlands.org to book a meeting.