
In a small Midland town, two teenage best friends commemorate their last night together by camping out overnight in a giant department store - but tensions begin to boil as the reality of leaving each other hit home.

The Team

Writer & Director Casey Hennessy

Producers  Jen Corcoran & Scarlett Barclay

Cinematography  Simon Plunket

Sound  Jake Fielding 


Shaneigha-Monik Greyson as Naomi

Katie Jennings-Dunn as Kelly

Libby Rodliffe as Julie

Matthew Bulgo as Security Guard

Video Placeholder


  • Aesthetica Film Festival 2023 *Official Selection*
  • Little Wing Film Festival 2022 *Best Editing*

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Short Film Funding

NOW CLOSED // DEADLINE Thursday 9 May 2024 - Funding of up to £25,000 is available to support the production costs of fiction films, in…

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Our Short Film Fund Slate

Learn more about the slate of films supported by BFI NETWORK Short Film Funding here in the Midlands.

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