Working hard to discover a new wave of Midlands talent
Film Hub Midlands is working with BFI NETWORK to provide support for new and emerging filmmakers across the region. Thanks to the National Lottery funding, we do so via a range of activities, including:
-Advising regional filmmakers on their creative development
-Holding events across the region to encourage networking, filmmaker collaboration and skills development
-Recommending the filmmakers we work with for BFI NETWORK funding.

Short Film Funding.
Currently Closed - Funding of up to £25,000 is available to support the production costs of fiction films, in both live-action and animation, of up…

Upcoming Events.

BFI NETWORK: Early Development Fund.
The BFI NETWORK Early Development Fund supports the early stages of development for debut long-form projects

Our industry-backed training opportunities for writers, directors and producers based in the Midlands.

Filmmaker Resources.
BFI NETWORK host events and programmes throughout the year, including industry talks, screenings, talent development courses and networking events

Connecting with BFI NETWORK.
If you're a writer, director or producer based in the Midlands we want to hear from you