We are delighted to announce our third Members Meet-Up of the year!

Save the date - Thursday 24 October 2024!

Our Members Meet-Ups are a chance to catch up with film exhibitors across the Midlands, explore fresh approaches to programming, marketing and audience development and share best practice. The event is open to all Film Hub Members- from multi-screen venues and festivals to community cinema organisers and student film groups.

We're back at the wonderful MAC in Birmingham. Tickets are free and include lunch and refreshments, just make sure to RSVP by 30 September!

Activities include:
Access in Arts presentation with Katie Anna McConnell (Artistic Access Consultant) and a session on ‘Opening Up Access’ with Grace O’Malley (Access Advocate at Open Theatre) and Liz Leck (Freelance Access Adviser).


11:00 – 11:30 Arrival

11:30 – 12:00 Welcome from Film Hub Midlands

12:00 – 12:30 Access in Arts
Dive into disability awareness as we explore how language, attitudes, and environments can impact different audiences in the arts. Katie Anna is a chronically ill and neurodivergent performer, who has lived experience navigating the theatre sector as someone with access requirements. From rehearsal rooms, to planning meetings, and being both on and off stage, there are always things that can be done to improve diversity, inclusion, equity, and authentic representation.'

12:30 – 12:45 Break

12:45 – 13:30 Opening Up Access
Grace O'Malley, Access Advocate at Open Theatre and Liz Leck, Freelance Access Adviser will be sharing their 'Opening Up Access' document, filled with resources to stimulate and help shape your practice.

13:30 – 14:30 Lunch / Networking

Please RSVP by Monday 30 September

(The event is for those working in Film Exhibition only)