Ben Reynolds, Stamford Arts Centre
Film Camp 2019 has given me a new insight into how autism friendly screenings at other venues are coordinated, programmed and advertised. This has enabled me to relay tips and tricks, most specifically areas of improvement such as signage for the screenings. Without the event we may not have made these much needed alterations, thus potentially alienating new customers with autism.
The print vs digital talk was inspiring, provoking new ideas and ways of engaging audiences with print material specifically. There was talk of zines, well designed print materials and a fun workshop that brought all this to the fore of everyone's, mind. I will now be contacting local colleges to pursue the creation of similar print advertisers as a result of this workshop!
The day also gave delegates good opportunities to network amongst each other, an invaluable part of staying in the know and finding out what other venues and festivals have to offer or may need help or inspiration with.