The screenings will take place monthly from November 2022 to March 2023. The first two dates are Monday 21st November and Monday 12 December at 9.30am.
Enjoy films on the big screen with your little ones, twelve months and under, in a relaxed environment, without worrying about making too much noise. Lighting will less dark and sound lower than at regular shows to provide the most comfortable environment for you and your baby.
A creche for pre-school children over 12 months, run by Tallulah Tay, a DBS registered child care worker and qualified primary teacher, will be provided in a screened off area at the other end of the hall.
You can view the trailers for suggested titles, cast your vote and even suggest new ones!
Buggy Flicks has been made possible with support from Film Hub Midlands through funds from the National Lottery. Film Hub Midlands support people to watch, show, and make films in the Midlands.